Re: B.2.3 Socket Connections...full-blown socket support?

> Hello,
> here the proposal for the Socket Connection section.

Thanks for putting that together, Jan.

Wouldn't it be nice to have the recommendation also simply echo the
existing socket implementations and provide a recommendation for
full-blown socket support?

Here are Perl's particular low-level implementation in Perl [1] and in C
[2], built on top of the C socket support for linux. This approach is well
proven and highly flexible.

[1] in Perl
[2] in C

I appreciate that this may be too far reaching for the WG to take on at
this time and that full-blown socket support may be more appropriate for
SVG-1.3. But just think how wonderful it would make the SVG UI layer to
finally get away from the yoke of client-pull http connections and to get
access to server-push and p2p capabilities without a server...

There are some that suggest that sockets are inappropriate for SVG and
should be relegated to YetAnotherNamespace... This is of course a valid
point that has plenty of weight behind it. But nonetheless, SVG's main
appeal to application developers is the ability to implement transparent
communications without refreshing the page. Without the getURL/postURL
that the Adobe SVG team doped into ASV3, SVG would be much less attractive
to all of us as an application layer for web applications.

Because of the great potential for useful work with SVG as an application
GUI layer on the web, I very much would like to continue to see
communications in 1.2, and would even push for (optional?) full-blown
socket support matching either the above linux socket behaviour or a more
Object-oriented implementation like the Perl one.

Founding Partner
Ronan Oger

Received on Wednesday, 24 November 2004 15:00:28 UTC