SVG 1.2 Comment: Accessibility: 'Click here'
<hint>Click here to start the animation</hint>

please compare this with: *

Please can you provide an example that takes into consideration current 
understanding regarding device independence, accessibility and the 
benefits of avoiding the phrase 'click here' as described in this link?


Jonathan Chetwynd     "It's easy to use"

     * 13.1 Clearly identify the target of each link. [Priority 2]

Good link text should not be overly general; don't use "click here." 
Not only is this phrase device-dependent (it implies a pointing device) 
it says nothing about what is to be found if the link if followed. 
Instead of "click here", link text should indicate the nature of the 
link target, as in "more information about sea lions" or "text-only 
version of this page". Note that for the latter case (and other format- 
or language-specific documents), content developers are encouraged to 
use content negotiation instead, so that users who prefer text versions 
will have them served automatically.

In addition to clear link text, content developers may specify a value 
of the "title" attribute that clearly and accurately describes the 
target of the link.

If more than one link on a page shares the same link text, all those 
links should point to the same resource. Such consistency will help 
page design as well as accessibility.

If two or more links refer to different targets but share the same link 
text, distinguish the links by specifying a different value for the 
"title" attribute of each A element.

"Auditory users" -- people who are blind, have difficulty seeing, or 
who are using devices with small or no displays -- are unable to scan 
the page quickly with their eyes. To get an overview of a page or to 
quickly find a link, these users will often tab from one link to the 
next or review a list of available links on a page.

Thus, for a series of related links, include introductory information 
in the first link, then distinguishing information in the links that 
follow. This will provide context information for users reading them in 


   <A href="my-doc.html">My document is available in HTML</A>,
   <A href="my-doc.pdf" title="My document in PDF">PDF</A>,
   <A href="my-doc.txt" title="My document in text">plain text</A>

Received on Tuesday, 23 November 2004 20:13:48 UTC