SVG 1.2 Chapter 3

Comments on Chapter 3

3.3.1  claims:
The sXBL specification defines the terms bound document and the binding 
source document. The bound document contains the custom element (the "bound 
element"). The binding source document contains the binding definition 
(i.e., the xbl:definition element) for the custom element.

The 2nd link does not define that phrase, just binding sourse and binding 

I think 3.10 needs some more clarification, it says quite clearly that 
scripts defined in the binding source document are available, but it does 
not say anywhere if the opposite should be possible, it would appear not, 
but I think this should be mentioned explicitly, as I do not think it will 
be obvious to many.

Basically, it appears silent on the following situation:

<svg ... >
<script type="text/ecmascript">
function Moomin() { }
<MyNS:MyElement xmlns:MyNS=""/>


<svg xmlns=""
    <xbl:definition element="zzz:Widget1">
        <rect ... onclick="Moomin()" />



Received on Sunday, 7 November 2004 13:38:03 UTC