Re: On Working Group Membership - Re: SVG 1.2 Comment: 4 Flowing text and graphics

On 2 Nov 2004, at 05:55, Ian Hickson wrote:

> On Mon, 1 Nov 2004, Jim Ley wrote:
>> Could you explain how you've managed to fulfil your obligation of 
>> "being
>> familiar with the relevant documents of the Working Group, including
>> minutes of past meetings. "
> The key word is "relevant".

Just to clarify the situation. Ian is *NOT* a member of the
SVG Working Group, nor has he ever been a member. In order to join,
his W3C AC representative would have had to respond to the call for
participation, agree to the royalty-free patent policy, and nominate
Ian as a member. That has never happened.

The sXBL specification was produced by a task force consisting
of members from the CSS and SVG Working Groups. The SVG Working
Group owns the specification as far as publishing is concerned.
It's not yet clear if this situation can continue.

Ian was added to the SVG Working Group email list when
we started producing sXBL (Feb 2004, I think). He gets the email
but isn't a member of the group, and thus is not required to
obey the WG participation rules.

Received on Tuesday, 2 November 2004 13:05:58 UTC