Correct behavior of "visibility" tag

I am in the process of developing a SVGTiny player. I am having little trouble in understanding the correct behavior of "visibility" tag. From SVG specification ( ) "Note that 'visibility' is not an inheritable". But in the next paragraph spec indicates that "inherit" is one of the possible value of visibility. 
The following example behaves in Adobe SVG player -- "for first 2 seconds you cann't see the polygon(star shape) and then from 2 second until 18th second you will see the polygon on the screen"
But my understanding is that, since the polygon inherits from the group element, (group element is specified as hidden) it will remain hidden all the time. 
Our SVGTiny player does not show the polygon at all.
Could anyone explain what should be the right behavior of visibility tag? What would be the behavior of the following example? 
I appreciate your time.
Visibility tag example:
<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" baseProfile="tiny" xml:space="preserve" width="176" height="208" viewBox="-88 -104 400 400">
<g transform="scale(0.6, 0.6)">
<g transform="translate(-50, -30)">
<g visibility="hidden">
 <polygon fill="#883655" stroke="rgb(0%,0%,255%)" stroke-width="15" 
              points="130,75  159,161 249,161 177,215
                    203,301 130,250 57,301 83,215
                    11,161 101,161" >
  <animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="rotate" values="0 130 200;360 130 200" begin="2s" dur="5s" repeatDur="indefinite"/>
        <animateColor attributeName="stroke" begin="1s" dur="3s" fill="freeze" from="rgb(0%,0%,255%)" to="rgb(255%,0%,255%)"/>
 <animateColor attributeName="stroke" begin="3s" dur="2s" fill="freeze" from="rgb(255%,0%,255%)" to="rgb(0%,255%,255%)"/>
 <set attributeName="visibility" to="inherit" begin="2s" end="18s"/>

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Received on Monday, 1 March 2004 11:56:46 UTC