Re: switch and systemLanguage: test for <title> and default support

Just a clarification: It seems evident that <switch> should work for
<title>, as it does for any element. I believe it is in the implementation
of ASV that it doesn't function as expected. To wit, the title element
doesn't display in the browser title bar when part of a switch, nor can you
access it via script. This hampers the ability of screen readers to access
multi-language-enabled titles, among other funcionality. This seems fairly
obscure, but a better description in the Spec of what should be expected of
the UA (and why) would go a long way toward disambiguation of this issue.
And I do hope that, this issue having been raised, Adobe remedies this for
the next version of ASV.

I agree that the Spec should be updated to make it more clear to authors how
to use <switch> defaults... it would take very little effort, and would let
authors know explicitly that the option exists.


Jonathan Chetwynd wrote:
| 2 issues:
| How can one switch systemLanguage for <title>  rather than <text> ?
| If one cannot, why not?
| Can the specs be updated to make the default value of switch explicit
| as:
| "If a default value is desired, leaving out the attribute test on the
| final element will force that element to render."
| Schepers has kindly written a test:
| tested on:
| systemLanguage="en" for:
| osX and asv3
| and winXp asv3.1 and asv6
| much more than you'll ever want to read on this is here:
| thanks
| Jonathan Chetwynd
| "It's easy to use"

Received on Tuesday, 27 April 2004 01:47:41 UTC