Re: externalResourcesRequired and SVGLoad

On Thursday, October 23, 2003, at 10:47  AM, Denis Bohm wrote:
> Seems like since the JavaScript processing model seems to be 
> "synchronous"
> that the above should work as in the first example above.

JS is generally synchronous, but certain actions are not.

In most web browsers, the following will make a request for the image 
immediately, asyncrhonously:
	var foo = new Image();
	//other JS code here in the same statement block

Similarly, getURL() is an asynchronous call.

I don't know if ASV or other UAs fetch external xlink:href data 
asynchronously right after the line of code setting it is called, but I 
suspect so.

Gavin Kistner @ Refinery, Inc.
work: +1.303.444.1777

Received on Thursday, 23 October 2003 13:57:34 UTC