Re: [SVG1.2] 6 XML Events Integration

Jim Ley wrote:
> "Robin Berjon" <> wrote in message
>>So what would you think of SVG adopting XML Events but with full
>>namespaces support, so that it would basically amount to DOM 3 Events
>>done declaratively.
> Well I'd go along with that, but..,  I know the SVG WG want to conquer the
> world and implement everything! but should they really, can they not just
> tell the XML events people that they can't include it as it's not namespace
> aware and they should sort it out?

That's what might have happened if instead of seducing supermodels and 
saving the world from evil villains we'd filed an issue with the XML 
Events WG on time (in case you don't believe the supermodel stuff, we 
unfortunately started integrating XML Events too late in their timeline).

I was thinking that since section 4 is informative, we might actually do 
that with the blessing of the XML Events people.

Robin Berjon

Received on Monday, 24 November 2003 12:33:27 UTC