RE: SVG 1.2 Working Draft: Comments on 3.2.7 Expression-based at tribute values




>Anybody else, would be enthusiast to have such functionality?

We are anxious to see SVG be able to specify graphics adaptive to dimensions
of text strings and substrings in particular, because these dimensions can't
easily be known before render-time.  Extensions to more general
expression-based attributes makes sense so long as it doesn't add complexity
beyond what text alone requires.


-----Original Message-----
From: Fred P. [] 
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2003 3:13 AM
Subject: RE: SVG 1.2 Working Draft: Comments on 3.2.7 Expression-based at
tribute values

I think the arguments of Professor Kim Marriott
describes exactly what some of the things that we tried to achieve.

Especially his formal PDF article on one-way constrained SVG.
This is especially true for rendering UML diagrams using SVG,
similar to Visio or Rational Rose, using an SVG web client.

Let's take a simple case of springs:

       0         1         2         3
(0,0) 012345678901234567890123456789012345
      1|          z            z          |
      2|   (9,3)  z    (22,3)  z          |
      3|        +---+        +---+        |
      4|zzzzzzzz| A |zzzzzzzz| B |zzzzzzzz|
      5|        +---+        +---+        |
      6|          z            z          |
      7|          z            z          |
      8+----------------------------------+ (W,H)

Spring conversion into one-way constraint functions can be derived with some

low level logic:
Notice that any thing calculation are integer based mostly using floor(x)

      A.x = (document.width  - A.width  - B.width) * 1/3 + 1
          = (35 - 5 - 5) * 1/3 + 1
          = (25        ) * 1/3 + 1
          = 8.33 + 1
          = 8    + 1
          = 9

      A.y = (document.height - A.height - B.height) * 1/2 + 1
          = (8 - 3) / 2 + 1
          = 5 /2 + 1
          = 2.5 + 1
          = 2 + 1
          = 3

      B.x = (document.width  - A.width  - B.width) * 2/3 + A.width + 1
          = (35 - 5 - 5) * 2/3 + 5 + 1
          = (25        ) * 2/3 + 5 + 1
          = 16.67 + 6
          = 16 + 6
          = 22

      B.y = (document.height - A.height - B.height) * 1/2 + 1
          = (8 - 3) / 2 + 1
          = 5 /2 + 1
          = 2.5 + 1
          = 2 + 1
          = 3

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<svg height="300" width="300"
  <!-- Assuming you want 10px spacing between the box border and the text 
  <constant id="offset" value="10px"/>

<rect id="A"
      x="eval( (document.width  - A.width  - B.width ) * 1/3 + 1 );"
      y="eval( (document.height - A.height - B.height) * 1/2 + 1 );"
  width="eval( offset + textA.width  + offset );"
height="eval( offset + textA.height + offset );"
  style="fill:#00FFFF; stroke:#000000; stroke-width:1; shape-rendering: 

<rect id="B"
      x="eval( (document.width  - A.width  - B.width ) * 2/3 + A.width + 1 
      y="eval( (document.height - A.height - B.height) * 1/2 + 1 );"
  width="eval( offset + textB.width  + offset );"
height="eval( offset + textB.height + offset );"
  style="fill:#00FFFF; stroke:#000000; stroke-width:1; shape-rendering: 

<text id="textA"
      x="eval( A.x + offset );"
      y="eval( A.y + offset );"
  style="font:arial; font-size:8pt; text-rendering:optimizeSpeed;"

<text id="textB"
      x="eval( B.x + offset );"
      y="eval( B.y + offset );"
  style="font:arial; font-size:8pt; text-rendering:optimizeSpeed;"

Acyclic Dependancy:

A.width  --> textA.width
A.height --> textA.height
B.width  --> textB.width
B.height --> textB.height

textA.x --> A.x --> document.width  | A.width  | B.width   --> textA.width  
| textB.width
textA.y --> A.y --> document.height | A.height | B.height  --> textA.height 
| textB.height
textB.x --> B.x --> document.width  | A.width  | B.width   --> textA.width  
| textB.width
textB.y --> B.y --> document.height | A.height | B.height  --> textA.height 
| textB.height

As you can see, it's quite straight-forword to derive expression for GUI 
widget spring equations,
at least for square box spacing approximation of complex shapes like a cloud

or triangle and similar.

For your <path/> example, I think something like this should make everyone 

  <path d="M {if {viewport.right-viewport.left > 10px} then


  <path d="M
    eval( if ( viewport.right-viewport.left > 10px )
          { return new Point( viewport.left+10px, 10px ); }
          { return new Point( 0.5*viewport.right+0.5*viewport.left, 10px ); 
        l 1 0 l 0 1 l -1 0z"/>

The following notation might be needed:

   <expression id='len' value='eval( viewport.width/2 + 10px );' />

  <path d="M
    eval( if ( viewport.right-viewport.left > 10px )
          { return new Point( viewport.left+10px, 10px ); }
          { return new Point( 0.5*viewport.right+0.5*viewport.left, 10px ); 
        l eval( len ) 0 l 0 eval( len ) l eval( -1 * len ) 0z"/>

Here we see clearly why  eval( x )  is needed to not confound  the l 'el' 
relative line command
and the variable name len.

or use { } as mentionned:

  <path d="M
   {eval( if ( viewport.right-viewport.left > 10px )
          { return new Point( viewport.left+10px, 10px ); }
          { return new Point( 0.5*viewport.right+0.5*viewport.left, 10px ); 
        ); }
        l 1 0 l 0 1 l -1 0z"/>

The following might be needed:

   <expression id='len' value='eval( viewport.width/2 + 10px );' />

  <path d="M
   {eval( if ( viewport.right-viewport.left > 10px )
          { return new Point( viewport.left+10px, 10px ); }
          { return new Point( 0.5*viewport.right+0.5*viewport.left, 10px ); 
        ); }
        l {eval( len )} 0 l 0 {eval( len )} l {eval( -1 * len )} 0z"/>

or simply

  <path d="M
   {eval( if ( viewport.right-viewport.left > 10px )
          { return new Point( viewport.left+10px, 10px ); }
          { return new Point( 0.5*viewport.right+0.5*viewport.left, 10px ); 
        ); }
        l {len} 0 l 0 {len} l {-len} 0z"/>

Anybody else, would be enthusiast to have such functionality?

BTW, all those inlined calculation could be ECMAScript based
and therefore hooked-up directly to existing embedded SVG ECMAscript 
allowing for 'safe' recursive functions.

Sincerely yours,

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Received on Monday, 12 May 2003 09:05:41 UTC