Re: SVG 1.2 WD - Format of the specification

"Chris Lilley" <> wrote in message
> Aac> BTW the WD mentions normative "HTML". The WD is in XHTML 1.0.
> The term HTML covers both XHTML and the older allegedly SGML variety.

I would like a single large HTML file with everything in, making it easy to
evaluate offline and with effective accessible viewers (a web-browser), I
would also like to see it labelled with the correct MIME-type, IE if you
insist on  XHTML, then please serve it with an XHTML mime-type consistent
with other W3 notes on the subject.  A PDF for printing maybe useful, but I
would've thought CSS is now sufficient for making good print versions.


Received on Monday, 5 May 2003 10:00:09 UTC