Re: video in SVG1.2

On Thu, 01 May 2003, Sigurd Lerstad wrote:

> Hello,
> >From the spec:
> ***********************
> 4.3.3 The video element
> The video element specifies a video file which is to be rendered to provide
> synchronised video. The usual SMIL animation elements are used to start and
> stop the video at the appropriate times.
> *************************
> What does this mean? Wouldn't it be better if <video> was a timed element
> and had begin, dur etc. ? (just like in SMIL)

This is a typo. We meant attributes not elements.

> Does <video> have preserveAspectRatio, just like <image> ?
> Are <video> and <image> interchangeable elements, much like smil ?

Yes, except for the animation attributes.


Received on Thursday, 1 May 2003 09:26:35 UTC