SVG server-side scripting

Dear list members,

My name is Richard Mitanchey, I'm a senior developer, and I'm very pleased
to join this list.

Although I'm absolutely convinced about the role of SVG, I improve some
difficulties about SVG server-side scripting.

I use ASP.NET scripting technology and would like to know the best way to
use the SVGVIEWLib COM classes and interfaces (from the Adobe SVGViewer)
within my web form.

I cannot find any documented API about the COM classes and interfaces like
SVGCtlClass or SVGDocument and I only depend of the typelib traduction of
methods and properties.

Do you have any pointer about this subject?

Which method do you prefer to use? Are you using an embed html tag, or are
you using a SVGCtl object?

Thank you in advance for any response about SVG server side scripting

Richard Mitanchey

Received on Tuesday, 4 March 2003 10:29:34 UTC