

Some talk from people here at SVGOpen *, has been for the idea of
text-selection often getting in the way of UI design, the text selection of
the text on the SVG is a pain, spoiling the look and feel of the button, the
suggestion was to extend the pointer-events attribute to go further beyond
just disabling pointer-events but to limit the style.

For accessibility reasons I think you need to ensure a user stylesheet or
other Access technology technique can over-ride this behaviour for those who
need to access the text, but that would be simple I feel to both implement
and spec.

pointer-events="no-select", would be one idea, but some more generalised
solution would be possible, that perhaps cover other sort of potential


* I thought it important that it get on the proper feedback list, as not
everyone is as willing as me to put their insane ramblings here.

Received on Friday, 18 July 2003 12:11:13 UTC