[ANN] RO IT Systems releases SVG 2.26 Perl module.

RO IT Systems is pleased to announce that the latest version of the Perl SVG 
module (SVG-2.26) has been released to the CPAN and RO IT Systems ROASP PPM 
code repositories.

New features include:
* Compatible with Perl versions up to 5.8
* threadsafe: Fully tested on linux with threads module.
* stable: has been used embedded within daemons on 
  programs continually running 3 months without
  memory leaks or performance degradation
* Now provides extended supports any XML dialects including:
  all SVG,  xhtml and any xml flavours
  Facilitates generation of xhtml, svg, mathml, and cml from the same source 
* very fast (generate 12,000 elements/second on a 512Mb x 500MHZ RH linux box)
* Pure-perl architecture assures cross-platform compatibility.
  Only Perl is required to run.
* Known to work on Solaris, BSD, Linux, Win32, MacOS.
* Works with SVG::Parser to provide full parsing and generation support

The module is available three ways formats:
 * As a gzipped tar binary from CPAN: 
 * as an ActiveState PPM distribution
   http://www.roasp.com/PPM/SVG with instructions
 * As a gzipped tar binary from RO IT Systems: 
   http://www.roasp.com/PPM/SVG with instructions

Documentation, tutorials, examples are available from the 
RO IT Systems open-source portal at http://www.roasp.com

For an example of SVG.pm in action within a webservice, please visit

Ronan Oger
RO IT Systems GmbH
Bahnhofstrasse 52
8001 Zurich

www.roitsystems.com | www.roasp.com

For more information please contact: 

Received on Saturday, 11 January 2003 07:31:15 UTC