Re: New SVG 1.1/Mobile test suite released

Excellent news!

Is there a change log for the test suite anywhere? It would be great if 
one would be provided.


Dean Jackson wrote:
> The SVG Working Group today released a new version of
> the SVG test suite, covering more of SVG 1.1 and mobile.
> Details at:
> Enjoy, if you're in to this kind of thing :)
> This should help out implementations, but others may be
> interested in the current implementation results:
> There have been discussions about allowing public submission
> of new tests. Any feedback is appreciated.
> Special thanks to the SVG working group members who
> put a lot of effort into getting this out. I did nothing,
> but can appreciate the hard work of others.
> Dean

Received on Wednesday, 13 August 2003 11:00:03 UTC