Re: Problem with CDATA

"Hyunju Shim" <> wrote in message

>I have a XSLT file which insert script node into a source SVG file and
>create the result SVG file with script node in it.

>It seems <[CDATA[ ]]> is not copied into destination documents.  But
>the result SVG file will have a bug without <[CDATA[ ]]> inside of
>script node.  How can I put the "<[CDATA[ ]]>" into the result file?

If the content of the script element doesn't need the <[CDATA bits then I
assume your XSLT engine doesn't include them, try with some unallowed
characters, this is really an XSLT question, not an SVG one.

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Received on Wednesday, 27 November 2002 06:22:31 UTC