Re: Identical rendering? [was Re: SVG 1.2 General feedback]

On Thursday 21 November 2002 2:11 pm, Tobias Reif wrote:
|  P.S.
|  In short:
|  If the issue with the jagged lines is caused by smoothing done by
|  ASV/CSV, and if there is nothing else involved, then a solution might be
|  to add something like "Smoothing of paths or curves is not allowed." to
|  the spec. Then I could forward to same bug report to Corel and Adobe :)

Does Corel has SVG renderer?..
That's something new to me.

|  Then we get more consistent rendering; and if we want smooth paths, we
|  can make them as smooth as we want, and have these changes reflected
|  cosistently across viewers.
|  But I'm sure therse are other points of views, and other aspects or
|  facts that I'm missing.
|  Tobi

Best Regards,

Vadim Plessky
SVG Icons

Received on Thursday, 21 November 2002 07:22:49 UTC