Re: 1.2 feedback: Streaming

On Tue, 19 Nov 2002, Jim Ley wrote:

> "Vincent Hardy" <> wrote in message
> > With the current spec., animations cannot start before the document is
> > fully loaded because the time line starts on root element's onload (see
> > 19.2.2: "the document begin for a given SVG document fragment is
> defined
> > to be the exact time at which the 'svg' element's SVGLoad event is
> > triggered.") and the root element's onload is triggered when "the user
> > agent has fully parsed the element and its descendants" (see 16.2,
> > SVGLoad in the interactivity chapter).
> Yes, but
> <svg>
>   <svg>
>   <animate>
>   </svg>
> sleep()
> </svg>
> The animate on the inner SVG should start as soon as that svg is loaded,
> since that is when the onload fires, ASV does not fire the inner SVG's
> onload until after the full document is loaded though.

Nope. onload only fires when the document is loaded (in SVG 1.0/1.1)
As Vincent said, we need to change the model slightly.

[what I mean is, the SVGLoad event only gets fired when
the Document is fully loaded]


Received on Tuesday, 19 November 2002 11:26:47 UTC