Re: Tinier SVG

On Friday, November 15, 2002, 12:37:51 AM, John wrote:

JH> Greetings

JH> DoCoMo 503i: 10K
JH> DoCoMo 504i: 30K
JH> KDDI phones:  80K
JH> J-Phone phones:  100K
JH> RIM Blackberry 5810/5820/6710:  64K
JH> Nokia 3410/6310i/7210:  30K

Thanks for those figures. With J-phone, the operator tells you to go
ask the manufacturer and the manufacturer says its up to the operator
and they can't tell you ;-)

JH> I may have these numbers ***wrong** (I'm just a lowly software
JH> developer, not a market research kinda-guy), but they give a rough
JH> idea.

Do you happen to have the corresponding numbers for the Nokia 7650 and
the Sony Ericsson P800 ?

JH> Having said all that, these are published numbers for third-party
JH> developers. If you actually ship on the device (rather than being
JH> installed afterwards) you can cheat on some of these limits.

Interesting, but not unexpected.


Received on Thursday, 14 November 2002 19:06:22 UTC