[ANN] New SVG mailing-list "svg-coders" live!


Sorry for cross-posting, but I think this message is of significant
interest to most, if not all, of you.

I am writing to announce the birth of a new SVG mailing-list -
"svg-coders". This list aims at providing a discussion place for the
more advanced SVG uses dealing with interactivity, animation and
server-side SVG applications. I really hope we'll see some quality
information exchanged out there. Following concerns from many
subscribers of the SVG-Developers mailing-list at yahoogroups, this
mailing-list will have its archives made public automatically. This
should help spreading the wealth of SVG information on the Web. Tell all
your friends about it and run to the mailing-list homepage over at:

You can also simply send an empty message with a "subscribe" body to
svg-coders-request@svg.ilog.fr in order to join the fun. Take it easy
and hope to see you soon at svg-coders@svg.ilog.fr! Sincerely,

Antoine Quint

Received on Wednesday, 15 May 2002 12:26:41 UTC