Dash rendering in paint-stroke-BE-02.svg

paint-stroke-be-02.svg has  a dash array of "5, 5".  However if you measure
the pixels in the accompanying PNG image the upper dash is 6 pixels and the
gaps are 2 pixels, and the lower dash has length 5 and gap 3.  Both are
supposed to have width 3 according to the svg source, but it appears that
the upper one has width 4 and the lower one width 2.

The comment in the *.svg says the demo is 10,5, but in the source it's
5,5.  The accompanying XML also says the dash should be on for 10, off
for 5.

Is the paint-stroke-BE-02.png render from the Test Suite 1.0 an 
incorrect rendering, and are the comments and the xml out of sync
with the svg?


Received on Wednesday, 21 November 2001 22:07:18 UTC