Fwd: [Moderator Action] Attributes, Objects???

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----- Forwarded message from philippe@solnet.ch -----

X-Envelope-From: www-svg-request@tux.w3.org  Thu May 31 08:31:23 2001
From: philippe@solnet.ch
To: www-svg@w3.org
Old-Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 14:31:01 +0100
X-Diagnostic: Not on the accept list
Subject: [Moderator Action] Attributes, Objects???
X-Diagnostic: Mail coming from a daemon, ignored
X-Envelope-To: www-svg
X-UIDL: 5d9436717209902bccec708ffde3b7dd

Dear Sir,
how can I change the attributes in another object? Why didn't work this example?

<svg width="300" height="300">
function MouseClick(target_id) {
var svgdoc = document.getSVGDocument();
var svgobj = svgdoc.getElementById(target_id);
  if (svgobj == null) {
    alert("Obj is a null!");
  } else {
     svgobj.setAttribute('cx', '100');
<circle id="circle1" cx="40" cy="50" r="11" style="fill:rgb(100,0,0)"

<circle id="circle2" cx="40" cy="100" r="11" style="fill:rgb(0,100,0)"

Thanks for the clarification

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Received on Thursday, 31 May 2001 08:46:19 UTC