Re: Turning Off Antialiasing

The 'text-rendering' property 
( provides the 
hint which applies to any antialiasing techniques that might be used to 
render text.


At 03:55 PM 7/7/01 -0500, Jim Rosenberg wrote:
>I want fonts rendered with no antialiasing.  I still know very little about
>SVG, but I gather that the way this is supposed to be done is by
>incorporating shape-rendering:crispEdges into a style element.  I'm not
>getting this to work.  Here is some SVG that I have tried:
><?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
><!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20001102//EN"
>         "">
><svg width="500" height="500">
>         <text x="186" y="173" style="font-family:Arial;font-size:14;stroke-
>this is a scratch default</text>
><!-- Generated by Jasc WebDraw PR4(tm) on 07/07/01 15:40:36 -->
>When I view this using the Adobe SVG plugin, the font is antialiased, which
>is clearly visible when I do a screen capture and blow the bitmap up.  Jasc
>WebDraw also renders it antialiased in its Canvas pane.
>Am I doing something wrong?
>*Or* [hideous thought!] are viewer implementers just blithely ignoring
>shape-rendering:crispEdges?  I hope not.  The folks who made the SVG
>standard obviously went to a huge amount of work.  It would be a shame if
>viewer implementers just didn't pay attention to what the standard says ...
>Jim Rosenberg                  
>      CIS: 71515,124
>      WELL: jer
>      Internet:

Received on Wednesday, 11 July 2001 12:25:22 UTC