Fwd: [Moderator Action] UI implementation for SVG

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----- Forwarded message from Antoine Quint | Fuchsia Design <antoine@fuchsia-design.com> -----

X-Envelope-From: www-svg-request@tux.w3.org  Mon Jul  9 11:09:15 2001
Reply-To: <antoine@fuchsia-design.com>
From: "Antoine Quint | Fuchsia Design" <antoine@fuchsia-design.com>
To: <www-svg@w3.org>
Old-Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2001 17:08:23 +0200
Organization: Fuchsia Design
Importance: Normal
X-Diagnostic: Not on the accept list
Subject: [Moderator Action] UI implementation for SVG 
X-Diagnostic: Mail coming from a daemon, ignored
X-Envelope-To: www-svg
X-UIDL: 10126e9aa67e47f64ccae0b70bc30386

Hey Peter,

What you are trying to do is basically what I am doing too. I can't say
much about the Java / Batik way as I'm not big into Java, but I've
worked extensively with the SVG DOM and JavaScript in NN / IE with the
Adobe SVG Viewer on both Mac and Windows platforms. This has proved
quite well, although as you said working with Netscape 4.x turns out to
be quite "flaky" at times... surprise, surprise! There are a few
guidelines that Adobe provided to work with Netscape. The first one is
that one has to force types for JavaScript variables before they are
passed to Netscape's Java machine that handles plug-ins scripting. For
instance, one has to such things as:

var id = '' + node.getAttribute('id');


var x = 0 - node.getAttribute('width');

While a majority of DOM interfaces are supported by the Adobe SVG
Viewer, a few are partially / not yet supported. Adobe has documented
this in a PDF available at
http://www.adobe.com/svg/indepth/pdfs/SVG_current_support.pdf. This
should really help you.

Also, a popular mailing-list for SVG developers exist on yahoogroups:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/svg-developers. There are quite a few
people there who know a great deal about using SVG and who are really


  Antoine Quint [antoine@fuchsia-design.com]
  Fuchsia Design [http://www.fuchsia-design.com] 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: www-svg-request@w3.org [mailto:www-svg-request@w3.org]
> On Behalf Of Peter
> Sent: lundi 9 juillet 2001 16:49
> To: svg
> Subject: UI implementation for SVG 
> Hi there,
> (I am not sure if this is the best forum for this.)
> I am trying to find out what would be the best solution for
> implementing some kind of a UI for simple SVG tree 
> manipulation (spliting text in text/tspan nodes, changing 
> attributes,  etc.) It sounds like Javascript and using Adobe 
> SVG plugin would be the best way to go however I need this to 
> work on MacOS as well. I believe IE on MAC has no Javascript 
> support for plugins and Netscape is somewhat flaky even 
> though I am not sure to what degree. Than there is 
> Applets/Application using Batik but that seems to have a 
> problem running on MacOS (classic not MacOSX) since it 
> requires Java 1.3 not exactly MacOS runs well. I guess I am 
> just looking for other people's opinion on this and what 
> would they choose. Thanks -peter

----- End forwarded message -----

Received on Monday, 9 July 2001 21:40:02 UTC