Re: SVG's mertis versus SMIL and Flash5 wrote:

> Has anyone thoughts about the relative merits of the rival technologies: SVG,
> SMIL, Flash5? I am interested in expressed views.
> I have written demos using all of these technologies, now, and have found the
> following:
> 1. SVG has good interactive features, but limited audio (no streaming) and
> security (source code is visible).

This visible source also allows it to be searched and categorized on the internet

and is considered a feature ;-)

> 3. Flash5 has good security, audio and interactive features, but is expensive
> and is not a programming language, and therefore we are limited to
> developments at Macromedia.

Flash 5s activescript scripting is approaching javascript in form and style so
programmability is actually pretty good.

Received on Tuesday, 27 February 2001 12:17:56 UTC