Re: coords-unitsProc-BE-04.svg: still don't get it.


So, in the second "circle into circle" we have:

<g transform="translate(15, 65) scale(2)">
   <!-- Draw marker using user space units -->
   <circle cx="7.5" cy="7.5" r="2.5" style="fill:black"/>
   <!-- Draw marker using percentages: 7.5 = 1.667% of 450
   <circle cx="1.667%" cy="1.667%" r=".3333%" style="fill:red"/>

Notice the radius of .3333%.

Now, to match the first example, the radius of the red circle should
give "3".
The radius is computed with respect to the length of the diagonal of the

here it's sqrt(450*450) which is about 636.
Given that we have a scale of 2, if we want a radius of 3, we should set

the radius
to 1.5 (as in the first example) which is about .2358% of the diagonal,
not .3333%.

Am I right ?


Christophe Jolif wrote:

> Stephane,
> Stephane Conversy wrote:
> >
> > Hello.
> >
> > I still don't get how to deal with absolute and relative values.
> > in coords-unitsProc-BE-04.svg, we have:
> >
> > <g transform="translate(15, 45) scale(2)">
> >                         <!-- Draw marker using user space units -->
> >                         <circle cx="7.5" cy="7.5" r="2.5"
> > style="fill:black"/>
> >                         <!-- Draw CSS marker using px units -->
> >                         <circle cx="7.5px" cy="7.5px" r="1.5px"
> > style="fill:red"/>
> >                 </g>
> >
> > is cx (7.5px) in the red circle affected by the scale(2) transform
> > the
> > parent group ?
> Yes it is. Both user space units and css units are modified by
> transformations.

stephane conversy
ecole des mines de nantes

Received on Tuesday, 6 February 2001 09:52:34 UTC