Re: [Moderator Action] Re: [Fwd: [Moderator Action] Reading an SVG file using a standard XML parser]

Mikael Sterley wrote:
> I solved the problem by downloading version 3.0 of Microsoft XML parser,
> which is W3C compliant. 

OK, having a parser that conforms to the requisite specifications seem
like a necessary first step.

> To recognize the DOCTYPE command correctly I had to
> set the "resolveExternals" and "validateOnParse" document properties to
> false.

To *false*? That seems odd. It tells the parser *not* to fetch the DTD.
Same effect as commenting out the dtd.

How about if you set "resolveExternals" to true and "validateOnParse" to


Received on Monday, 16 April 2001 18:14:37 UTC