Re: drawing/rendering order

Now that you mention it, you could work around this via 'use' or 'feImage', 
both of which allow references to arbitrary graphics.

For example:

    <rect id="SometimesOn1SometimesOn3".../>

<g id="layer1">
    <use id="use1" xlink:href="#bogus".../>
<g id="layer2">
    <!-- other graphics goes here -->
<g id="layer3">
    <use id="use2" xlink:href=#bogus".../>
<animate xlink:href="#use1" attributeName="xlink:href" 
to="#SometimesOn1SometimesOn3" begin="0s" dur="5s"/>
<animate xlink:href="#use2" attributeName="xlink:href" 
to="#SometimesOn1SometimesOn3" begin="5s" dur="5s"/>

[ I haven't tested this, so there may be errors. ]

The idea is that the rectangle appears on layer 1 for the first five 
seconds, and then on layer 3 for the next five seconds. You achieve this by 
animating the "xlink:href" attribute on the 'use' elements.

Jon Ferraiolo
SVG Editor
Adobe Systems Incorporated

<At 09:10 AM 9/10/00 +1000, Craig Brown wrote:
>You wrote:
> >Definitely, the W3C should consider 'z-index' for future versions of SVG.
>Is there some method using compositing filters where you can
>create an arbitary compositing tree that would get around this?
>(A dover B) over C  == B over A over C
>I can't remember seeing the porter-duff "dover" operation though
>that would be needed.
>Craig Brown      Principal Software Engineer
>Canon Information Systems Research Australia     Phone: 61 2 9805 2469
>1 Thomas Holt Drive,  North Ryde,  NSW 2113.     Fax:   61 2 9805 2929

Received on Monday, 11 September 2000 10:09:37 UTC