Re: last call?

It seems there has been a lot of suspicion lately surrounding SVG( take a 
look at the thread currently goingn on at ).  Adobe would 
definately not orchestrate a delay.  They have invested the most resources 
in SVG of any company I know of.

  -josh zeidner

    Brooklyn Media Labs, LLC.

>Dear svg org,
>When is svg expected to be a w3c recommendation? This standard has been
>moving at a snails pace recently, and the release of two successive "last
>call" specs is disheartening for those of us relying on the new standard.
>Because the standard has "missed" the development window for new versions 
>ie and netscape, the wide use of svg will be postponed by at least 2 years.
>I believe that major players such as Microsoft and Adobe orchestrated this
>delay so that they could squeeze more profit out of their non-svg graphics
>software, and the w3c has been duped into this gambit.
>What can you say to dissuade me?

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Received on Monday, 17 July 2000 16:46:23 UTC