Behavior of overlapping svg elements and mouseover events - pointer-events

I would like to know the correct user agent behavior if the following occurs:

I have two SVG elements that overlap exactly (same objects), the lowest having a mouseover event.
Both elements have fills so that the lowest one is hidden under the top-one. The lowest svg element has a mouseover event. 
Should the event trigger onmouseover even if the object is not really shown on the screen ? To me It would make sense if the event would trigger.
Is there any way to ensure that the event triggers (using pointer-events property) event if the object is not the topmost item at the location (x,y) of the mouseover ? For instance, should pointer-events="all" or pointer-events="fillStroke" do it ?
The reason I am asking this is that after doing this test with the Adobe plug-in,  I discovered that the event does not trigger (because the other object on top). 
Again I may be asking for something that requires the implementation of the pointer-events property.

Thanks in advance.

Dany Bouchard
DBx Geomatics
38 de l'Orbite
Hull, Québec
J9A 3C7
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Received on Sunday, 9 July 2000 21:13:32 UTC