transformations and styles

For the following SVG file, I would have assumed that there should have been a uniform stroke-width of one pixel.  However, both IBM's SVGView and Adobe's plug in render a one pixel width for the
first line segment and a 100 pixel width for the second line segment.  I think the behavior currently exhibited in the Adobe and IBM viewers is undesireable since it would requires you to reiterate
the same style after each transformation.  However, there seems to be no clear description of the proper behavior in the spec.

<?xml version='1.0' standalone='no' ?>
<!DOCTYPE svg SYSTEM 'svg-19991203.dtd' >
<svg width='700' height='700' >
<g style='fill:none; stroke:blue; stroke-width:1'>
<path d='M 70 448 80 340'/>
<!--  the scale affects the previously set stroke-width for both Adobe and IBM SVG View -->
<g transform='scale(100)'>
<path d='M 0.8 3.4 .9 3'/>

Received on Monday, 14 February 2000 12:53:07 UTC