Re: SVG MIME types

I am using the Adobe SVG viewer.  I can create and view .svg files fine.  I
want to view SVG files generated from an asp page.
at the top of the asp I put <% Response.ContentType = "image/svg-xml"%>
and then copied the content of a .svg file that I know works.  When I try to
view the page IE 5.0 doesn't recognize the image/svg-xml type and tryies to
download it.  I also tried 
<% Response.ContentType = "image/svg"%> This seems to work better.  The svg
view tries to render it but gets the following error in the status bar:
"xml processing instruction not at start of external entity: line 2, column

<% Response.ContentType = "image/svg"%> 
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg SYSTEM "svg-19991203.dtd" >
<svg width="1000" height="500">
	<rect style="stroke:#000000; stroke-width:1; stroke-opacity:1;
fill:#000000; fill-opacity:1" x="0" y="0" width="1000" height="500" />

any suggestions?

> 	Justin Friedl
> 	Software Engineer
> 	Web and eCommerce
> 	Supply Chain Division
> 	Aspen Technology
> 	19204 North Creek Parkway
> 	Bothell, WA 98011
> 	425-492-2379
> 	425-492-2125 (fax)

Received on Thursday, 13 April 2000 19:03:24 UTC