
I was just wondering how zooming functionality would be implemented for both
authoring tools and viewers of SVG files. The only mention I see in the Spec
is the allowZoomAndPan option.

Zooming could be achieved by modification of the coordinate system of the
top-level object, but this doen't implicitly affect other properties which
zoom, namely font-sizes, line widths etc. If you do tie your font-size (for
example) to the coordinate system, then your font-size will zoom when you
resize the element.

The other requirement that zooming imposes is use of floating point numbers
rather than integers for CSS and other positioning and sizing attributes.
Use of integers implies a loss of resolution if you zoom out then back in.

The other question that comes up in relation to zooming is what happens to


Received on Wednesday, 13 October 1999 20:01:51 UTC