looking for simple c funtions to produce SVG

I need to find (or write) some simple c functions to implement a few
of the most basic graphic primitives and attributes in SVG.  Of course
I don't expect anyone to write these for me but I am hoping that 
someone else has already done something similar and is willing to  
share the code.  I've seen examples in java, but I don't know java.
Here are the kind of functions I'm looking for:


  move(x,y)		line(x,y)	circle(x,y,radius,fill)	
  rect(llx,lly,urx,ury,fill)		text(str,nchars,x,y)
  3pt_arc(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3)		polyline(x[],y[],npts)


  draw_color(indx)	text_color(indx)	fill_color(indx)
  line_width(indx)	line_type(indx)
  begin_group(desc,llx,lly,urx,ury)		end_group()
  set_font(indx)	text_justify(indx)	text_attr(height,rotate)

  window(llx,urx,lly,ury)	viewport(llx,lly,urx,ury)
Any c code fragments or examples greatly appreciated!  

Thanks for reading!  

Dave Apman (dave.apman@boeing.com)
Boeing Mathematics and Computing Technology
Bellevue, Washington USA

Received on Friday, 5 November 1999 10:52:57 UTC