Re: Downloadable package of the spec

Don Park wrote:
> Will we have a downloadable package (ZIP, gzip, PDF) of the SVG spec soon?

yes. Actually if you look in the source you will see commented out
elements for future links to a zip file and a pdf file.

> Also, it would be nice to have access to the original source (I am assuming
> that it is in XML) if possible.

The original source is not in XML in this instance. Its in HTML, with
some semantic conventions about class names which are used for automated
processing such as section numbering, creating tables of contents, links
to defined terms, and suchlike and also used as selectors for styling.

However, the final version of the spec will include links to all the
diagrams in SVG, which is of course itself written in XML.

Being graphics guys, the text is mere decoration but the graphics are
important and written in XML ;-)


Received on Friday, 12 February 1999 15:17:27 UTC