DOM in SVG implementations

It would be very helpful for the Document Object Model (DOM) working
group to know of all DOM implementations  - in particular,
implementations of (perhaps part of) DOM 2 - that are available, in this
case for implementing SVG.

I know what XML parser some implementations use, in other cases I do
not. In some cases, the DOM is provided by the XML parser or by the CSS
parser (in the case of DOM2 CSS OM), in other cases a separate component
is used.

I am calling on all SVG implementors to let me know which parts of DOM 1
and DOM 2 they implement, or plan to implement in the coming months, so
that I can report this back to the DOM working group. Implementation
feedback (this part hard to understand, not sure what that part is for,
etc) would also be good at this time.

Responses should be sent to this list, or if desired can be sent to me
privately at


Received on Friday, 3 December 1999 06:09:14 UTC