Re: SMIL and JS

This is a _very_ old mailing list, and your message is the first one received in a very long time.

I cannot answer your question, and I don’t know whether the people involved with EPUB 3.2 are on this mailing list (I think that’s mainly the Daisy people). I have the feeling that disabling SMIL in EPUB 3.2 is impossible, because that standard is _specifically_ about enabling SMIL. But I may be wrong.

If you don’t get an answer within the next few days: you could try checking the EPUB 3.2 spec < <>> and see if you can contact any people involved in the standardisation.


> On 15 Feb 2021, at 11:44, Maria Prylypchenko <> wrote:
> Hello.
> Sorry to bother you but I'm desperate. Cat you tell me how can I disable SMIL in EPUB 3.2 if JavaScript is supported in the current reader? I need this because SMIL <state/> is not supported in most of the EPUB readers.
> Thank you very much for the beautiful standard and documentation.
> Have a nice day,
> Maria Prylypchenko.

Received on Thursday, 18 February 2021 00:05:11 UTC