Re: Proposal: Fix discrete to animation in SVG 1.1 Second Edition

On Mon, 28 Mar 2011 00:18:04 +0200, Cameron McCormack <>  

> Hi Brian.
> I have SVG-ACTION-3013 to look into this.  I believe the changes are
> good, and I like your proposed wording but have comment on it:
> Brian Birtles:
>> Proposed change:
>> ----------------
>>   As with a discrete from-to animatiom, a discrete to animation will  
>> set the
>>   underlying value for the first half of the simple duration (or, if a
>>   keyTimes list is provided, until the offset into the simple duration
>>   specified by the second value in the keyTimes list) and the "to"  
>> value for
>>   the remainder of the simple duration.

Either leave the 'keyTimes' part out, or you have to clarify the  
'keyTimes' attribute too (it's currently implying that there has to be a  
'values' attribute for it to have an effect).

>> Interoperability:
>> -----------------
>> Opera 11.01, Batik 1.7, and WebKit nightly build r80213 (3 Mar 2011)
>> all provide identical animation for both of the provided examples.
>> i.e. they do not conform to the specified behaviour but follow this
>> proposal.
>> (I note however that Opera and WebKit appear to ignore keyTimes in this  
>> case.)

I think this is because both the SMIL and SVG specs say that 'keyTimes'  
corresponds to the 'values' attribute, and that it should have no effect  
on to/by/from-by/from-to animations, e.g:

[[ Each time in the list corresponds to a value in the ‘values’ attribute  
list, and defines when the value is used in the animation function. ]]


[[ If a list of ‘keyTimes’ is specified, there must be exactly as many  
values in the ‘keyTimes’ list as in the ‘values’ list. ]]


Erik Dahlstrom, Core Technology Developer, Opera Software
Co-Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
Personal blog:

Received on Tuesday, 29 March 2011 06:47:35 UTC