Article about SMIL

Our company *Conkurent LLC* ( wishes to place 
article (*SMIL*)  on your page
As it can be made.

Best regards
Yuriy Krapivko, SEO-manager Conkurent LLC.

*Our article:*

The word SMIL is of frequent occurrence in computer technologies area. A 
lot of users find this abbreviation in various articles, texts and 
documents nowadays. But who knows exactly what it stands for?

We’d like to help You to understand its meaning properly. So, the first 
thing You should know about it, SMIL stands for *S*ynchronized 
*M*ultimedia *I*ntegration *L*anguage.

The pronunciation of it used to be "smile"! So, it is very simple to 
remember for everyone!

It was developed by the World Wide Web Consortium and released in 1998.

Actually, SMIL is a language and it is used for describing audiovisual 

In fact, it is HTML-like language and easy to learn and understand. It 
is written in XML usually, and text-editor can be used for it.

So, SMIL file contains all the information which is necessary to 
describe a multimedia presentation. Such files are stored with the file 
extension .smil.

A SMIL file contains the following:

    * -          layout of  presentation;
    * -         timeline of presentation;
    * -         the source of the multimedia elements.

SMIL has a lot of useful functions. They are:

   1.   Creation of Internet and slide-show presentations.
   2.   Displaying of multiple file types, such as text, video, audio,
      etc. (SMIL presentations)
   3.   Displaying of multiple files at the same time (SMIL presentations).
   4.   Displaying of files from multiple web servers (SMIL presentations).
   5.   SMIL presentations can contain links to other SMIL presentations.
   6.   SMIL presentations can contain control buttons (stop, start,
      next, etc.).
   7.   Defining sequences and duration of elements.
   8.   Defining position and visibility of elements.

You should install a SMIL player to view a SMIL presentation or at least 
any player that supports it, such as Apple's Quicktime player, Windows 
Media Player, and RealNetworks RealPlayer.

Received on Wednesday, 30 December 2009 12:52:41 UTC