Re: HTML5/SMIL integration [was: Re: ISSUE-10: suggest closing]

I just noticed this discussion in the SMIL working group.


There is a bigger issue than just using SMIL as a part of audio/video and that is the possibility of using it more broadly throughout HTML as it is used in SVG.


I refer you to my naïve comments of early 2007 on the subject.


While my posting generated little interest, some in the SVG community expressed belief at the time that the HTMLWG simply didn't understand SMIL (I even recall one prominent member saying that it was not so much lack of understanding as "hostility"), but perhaps that has changed now that HTML5 seems a little more receptive to SVG than it seemed to be in early 2007. And as the HTML5 folks are fond of saying, it is not the loudness of an idea, it is the merit that matters.


David Dailey

Received on Tuesday, 29 September 2009 15:10:37 UTC