Re: First text then jpg in same region

On 4 jul 2009, at 12:23, fleedi wrote:

> Hey Guys,
> i want to insert a html text into a region and then a jpg. It  
> doesn't work.
> Anybody knows y?
> Pseudocode:
> <region A>
> <par
> <text
> <region="region A"
> <src = test.html/>
> /par>
> Thanks
> Robert

either your mailer made a complete mess from your code, or something  
else went wrong. The text quoted above is what arrived here, and it's  
definitely not SMIL. The bits that are somewhat recognizable also  
don't correspond to your text.

To answer the textual question: there should be absolutely no problem  
displaying first html and then an image in a region, assuming the SMIL  
player you use accepts HTML text. Ambulant does on Mac and Windows,  
but not on Linux. For RealPlayer and other SMIL players I don't know.

Here's a bit of code that would do what you want, displaying 5 seconds  
of HTML and then 5 seconds of jpeg:
     <region id="a" .... />
       <text src="test.html" region="a" dur="5s" .../>
       <img src="test.jpg" region="a" dur="5s" ... />
Jack Jansen, <>,
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma  

Received on Sunday, 5 July 2009 20:58:19 UTC