SMIL for Digital Signage

Hello all,

I am new to this Mailing list and new to SMIL.


An organization which I joined recently has been considering to
implement a playlist for Digital Signage system (e.g. Mobile Signage).

I checked out that there are some playlist formats on

I think SMIL is one of big candidate for our use.


However I could not find our requirements as follows.

1.      Need a non time events.  Such as "when Bus stop arrived to
'B'.", "when GPS points to outside of Tokyo.", "beginning of the rain" -
these events will be converted to signals.

2.      Priority e.g.
lowest priority = sequence of "video-a", "video-b", "video-c"
low priority:  City changed "video-city", Rain status "video-rain"
middle priority:  When time comes every o’clock, show
top priority:  Bus stop changed "video-arrive to the bus stop 'B'.


Please tell me how to do that.

Or tell me whether SMIL is suite for this purpose or not.

Your advice is highly appreciated.


Thanks in advance

Takahiro Fujiwara


 Takahiro Fujiwara, EAST Co., Ltd. Japan

 Tel: +81 90 7262 9883  Fax: +81 48 298 1723

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