Detailed Overview of SMIL 3.0 profile language


I put up a detailed overview of the SMIL 3.0 language profile PR.

The overview consist of arranging the elements in the profile in the
order they appear in the SMIL document. The detailed part is, when an
element is clicked, a list of the attributes and element contents are
shown in a separate frame. 

I'm using the the W3C's SMIL 3.0 PR document, from which I cut and
pasted the attribute and element content listed. If I misused W3C's
material in anyway, let me know and I'll remove the file.

Open index.htm:

The purpose of the page is make it easier to follow the logic of the
language. You can see what goes where and what each elements can do.

Jose Ramirez

Copy and paste your imagination to the Web, via SMIL.

Received on Monday, 10 November 2008 18:46:54 UTC