Re: Response to [SMIL30 CR comment] to-animation (12.6.4)

Sjoerd Mullender:
> This was already in SMIL 2.0.  In the section that defines the To
> animation [1] it says: "a discrete to animation will simply set the to
> value for the simple duration".  This has been made more prominent in
> SMIL 3.0.  So this is not something new.
> I hope this answers your question.

I know, that is already available in SMIL2, however it was not relevant
for SVG1.1 and becomes interesting now with SVGT1.2 referencing

And it does not really answer the question, but maybe the answer is
lost in the history of SMIL2 already ;o)

Received on Wednesday, 27 August 2008 08:49:14 UTC