Re: [SMIL30 LC comment] 7.7 SMIL MediaOpacity Module ( LC-1791)

 Dear Dr. Olaf Hoffmann ,

The SYMM Working Group has reviewed the comments you sent [1] on the Last
Call Working Draft [2] of the Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
(SMIL 3.0) published on 13 Jul 2007. Thank you for having taken the time to
review the document and to send us comments!

The Working Group's response to your comment is included below.

Please review it carefully and let us know by email at if
you agree with it or not before 02 nov 2007. In case of disagreement, you
are requested to provide a specific solution for or a path to a consensus
with the Working Group. If such a consensus cannot be achieved, you will
be given the opportunity to raise a formal objection which will then be
reviewed by the Director during the transition of this document to the
next stage in the W3C Recommendation Track.


For the SYMM Working Group,
Thierry Michel
W3C Staff Contact



Your comment on 7.7 SMIL MediaOpacity Module:
> Hello SMIL working group,
> the attributes related to opacity in SMIL as
> mediaOpacity or mediaBackgroundOpacity etc currently use 
> values given in percentage.
> -> Isn't it useful to use opacity values between 0 and 1 as
> in CSS(3) and SVG for compatibility reasons and easier usage
> for authors and developers and avoiding confusion with values
> of opacity related attributes or properties in different languages?

Working Group Resolution (LC-1791):
The Working Group agrees that being
able to express opacity as a value between 0 and 1
is useful. We have added this to the specification.
After this change, authors will be able to specify
opacity either as a percent or as a value between
0 and 1.


Received on Sunday, 28 October 2007 17:50:41 UTC