Re: [SMIL30 LC comment] general structure and styling inconsistencies

 Dear Dr. Olaf Hoffmann  ,

The SYMM Working Group has reviewed the comments you sent [1] on the Last
Call Working Draft [2] of the Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
(SMIL 3.0) published on 13 Jul 2007. Thank you for having taken the time to
review the document and to send us comments!

The Working Group's response to your comment is included below.

Please review it carefully and let us know by email at if
you agree with it or not before 02 nov 2007. In case of disagreement, you
are requested to provide a specific solution for or a path to a consensus
with the Working Group. If such a consensus cannot be achieved, you will
be given the opportunity to raise a formal objection which will then be
reviewed by the Director during the transition of this document to the
next stage in the W3C Recommendation Track.


For the SYMM Working Group,
Thierry Michel
W3C Staff Contact



Your comment on Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL
> Hello SMIL working group,
> it is the first time I read (almost) a complete
> SMIL draft (not just the timing and animation 
> sections) and I had some problems with the
> order of explained features.
> It happens often, that elements or attributes
> are used from later sections/modules without
> any reference or explanation. This makes
> understanding much more difficult as needed
> and readers often have to search (and find
> by chance or not, leaving it open, if something
> is missing or that there maybe inconsistencies) 
> useful definitions of used features.
> This happens more often in informative section,
> but this is not consequently avoided in normative
> sections too...
> a) General structure
>  We have change the spec to have a more intuitive structure to reduce
> the amount of references to things which aren't defined yet.
>        - About SMIL 3.0
>        - Modules
>        - Structure
>        - Media Object
>        - Timing
>        - Content Control
>        - Layout
>        - Text
>        - Linking
>        - Metainformation
>        - Transitions
>        - Animation
>        - State
>        - Time Manipulations
>        - External Timing
>        - DOM
>        - Scalability Framework
>        - the rest (all profiles) should be the same
> There will be also an Index for attributes, elements and modules
> provided to ease readers.
> b) General structure, styling and wording inconsistencies 
> We will homogenize styling in the spec especially focusing on sections
> marked as 'This section is informative' or 'This section is normative'.
> We will add a paragraph in the introduction explaining how informative
> and normative sections are styled (and which classes are used).

Working Group Resolution:
a) General structure
 We have changed the spec to have a more intuitive structure, and reduce
the amount  of references to things which aren't defined yet.
       - About SMIL 3.0
       - Modules
       - Structure
       - Media Object
       - Timing
       - Content Control
       - Layout
       - Text
       - Linking
       - Metainformation
       - Transitions
       - Animation
       - State
       - Time Manipulations
       - External Timing
       - DOM
       - Scalability Framework
       - the rest (all profiles) should be the same

There will be also an Index for attributes, elements and Modules provided
in the final version.

b) General structure, styling and wording inconsistencies 

We have homogenized styling in the spec especially focusing on sections
marked as 'This section is informative' or 'This section is normative'. 
We have added a section in the SMIL 3.0 introduction explaining how
informative and normative sections are organized and styled (and which
classes are associated).


Received on Tuesday, 23 October 2007 09:08:29 UTC