gzip SMIL 3.0 content


All in an effort to make SMIL the standard in multimedia on the Web. 
SMIL presentations being made up of separate files, on a slow connection 
the files
may not arrive at a certain time, making the presentation ineffective. 
If SMIL 3.0 would add gzip, all the files could be bundled and 
compressed, allowing
small presentations on slow connections to viewed as intended. It's 
going to be a while before everyone has a fast connection
to the Web. This will help establish SMIL, by giving the option to 
anyone with access to an http server, they can serve the content with 
prefetch and caching or gzip it. One way or the other the content would 
appear the same as it does locally.

SVG allows it's files to be gzip:

Jose Ramirez
SMIL is Multimedia for Everyone

Received on Friday, 5 January 2007 19:13:21 UTC