RE: frozen value for discrete animation

I thought we had something in there somewhere to make the fill value take
the exclusive endpoint value (as all authors would want, if not expect, and
even if they understand the interval timing model as we do).

I forget where this was, but I remember discussing it. Will hunt around when
I get back online (writing from the train).


> And what about the 'frozen value for discrete animation'?
> I still think, this is different in SMIL2 as with the old
> SMIL animation recommendation or in SVG. They have
> only the time interval model and
> 'freeze the effect value at the last value of the active duration'.
> For this example:
> calcMode="discrete"
> values="1;2;3"
> keyTimes="0;0.4;0.8"
> begin="0s"
> dur="10s"
> end="4s"
> fill="freeze"
> Because a time interval is exclusive end, the last value is 1
> and not 2 for the old SMIL animation recommendation or in SVG.
> With the SMIL2 timing modul it will get 1 with the 'cut off simple
> duration' or 3 with the 'dur value simple duration'.
> With the animation modul again it depends on the interpretation
> of 'simple duration', the 'dur value simple duration' may result in
> applicable formulars resulting in 2 (?), not really fitting to the
> time interval model, with the 'cut off simple duration' the
> formulars are not applicable anymore.
> But if in the animation modul 'simple duration' has another
> meaning as in the timing modul, the fill attribute is not
> well defined for animation anymore. Understandable that
> for example the CR SVGT1.2 still uses the old definition for
> the fill attribute.

Received on Monday, 28 May 2007 16:12:17 UTC