Re: Draw polygons on moving cars in video

Hi Terry

I have to say I'm not an expert in this area, but found this link a
while ago.  "MPEG-7 Description for Scalable Video Reconstruction" it might give
you some information about area description.

I don't know if you have to do all of it with html+time, smil,? I
guess  it's quite time consuming to edit all the shapes in all frames.
I don't know if you have a tool do extract all the x,y information?

Well I assume you want to create a layer for some kind of
hotspot(link) with this? If it's just the polygon around it, why don't
you do it with some postproduction tool. I guess they have some
functionality to follow object whereas I can't confirm this, cause I
never personally worked with one of them.

If you found something that will work for you, post it to the list.
Well at least I'm also interested in the solution. I think the area is
quite interesting for advertising possibilities,... with

br Sven

> I am trying to find a way to display a video  of a car moving down
> the street and draw a polygon around the car as it   moves.   I
> would like to use HTML+TIME, but am open to any  solutions.   I have
> the location of where the polygon should be  drawn in the video, but
> I cannot figure out how to do this.  I believe I  need to show  the
> first frame of the video and draw the polygon around the  car for
> this frame in one sequence.   Then I need to show the next  frame of
> the video and draw the polygon around the car on this frame  as the
> next sequence.   Since the car is moving the polygon will not  be in
> the same location in each frame.  Can anyone suggest a way to  this?


Received on Wednesday, 14 September 2005 09:54:26 UTC