[Mlnet] HIS'05 - Final Call for Papers

****  HIS'05 - Final Call for Papers ****

5th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS'05)
November 06-09, 2005
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Conference URL: http://his05.hybridsystem.com
Mirror Site: http://www.ica.ele.puc-rio.br/his05
Deadline for Paper Submission: July 1st, 2005
HIS'05 is technically co-sponsored by:

- IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics Society

- International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA)

- European Neural Network Society (ENNS)

- European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT)

- The World Federation on Soft Computing

- Brazilian Computing Society (SBC)

- Brazilian Society for Automation (SBA)

HIS'05 is organized in cooperation with:

- IEEE- Computational Intelligence Society

Hybridization of intelligent systems is a promising research field of
computational intelligence focusing on synergistic combinations of
multiple approaches to develop the next generation of intelligent
systems. A fundamental stimulus to the investigations of Hybrid
Intelligent Systems (HIS) is the awareness that combined approaches

will be necessary if the remaining tough problems in artificial
intelligence are to be solved. Neural computing, machine learning,
fuzzy logic, evolutionary algorithms, agent-based methods, among
others, have been established and shown their strength and drawbacks.

Recently, hybrid intelligent systems are getting popular due to their
capabilities in handling several real world complexities involving
imprecision, uncertainty and vagueness.

HIS'05 builds on the success of previous HIS events: HIS'04 was held
in  Kitakyushu, Japan, HIS'03 in Melbourne, Australia, HIS'02 in
Santiago, Chile, and HIS'01, the first event, in  Adelaide, Australia.
All events attracted participants from over 30 countries. HIS'05 is,
therefore, the fifth International Conference that brings together
researchers, developers, practitioners, and users of soft computing,
computational intelligence, multi-agents, and several other
intelligent computing techniques.  The objectives of this

international meeting are to increase the awareness of the research
community of the broad spectrum of hybrid techniques, to bring
together AI researchers from around the world to present their
cutting-edge results, to discuss the current trends in HIS research,
to develop a collective vision of future opportunities, to establish
international collaborative opportunities, and as a result to advance
the state of the art of the field.

HIS'05 invites authors to submit original and unpublished work that
demonstrates current research in hybrid intelligent systems research
and their applications in science, technology, business and commerce.
Submitted papers have to be original, containing new and original
results. The assessment criteria will be heavily weighted towards
originality, potential impact and relevance to HIS'05 themes. All
papers will be peer reviewed by three independent referees of the
international program committee of HIS'05.

HIS'05 will focus on the following topics:

** Theoretical Advances in Hybrid Intelligent System Architectures

   *   Interactions between neural networks and fuzzy inference systems

   *   Hybrid learning techniques
(supervised/unsupervised/reinforcement learning)

   *   Artificial neural network optimization using global
optimization techniques

   *   Fuzzy inference system optimization using global optimization algorithms

   *   Hybrid systems involving support vector machines, rough sets,
Bayesian networks, probabilistic reasoning, minimum message length,

   *   Hybrid computing using neural networks - fuzzy systems -
evolutionary algorithms

   *   Hybrid optimization techniques (evolutionary algorithms,
simulated annealing, tabu search, GRASP etc.)

   *   Hybrid of soft computing and statistical learning techniques

   *   Integration with Intelligent agents (architectures,
environments, adaptation/learning and knowledge management)

   *   Hybrid models using inductive logic programming, logic
synthesis, grammatical inference, case-based reasoning etc.

** Hybrid Approaches and Applications

   * Robotics and automation

   * Biomimetic applications

   * Bioinformatics

   * Web intelligence

   * Image and signal processing

   * Adaptive systems

   * Data mining

   * Behavioral simulations

   * Affective computing

   * Soft computing for control and automation

   * Multi-agent systems

   * Knowledge management

   * Communication and networking

   * Business systems and financial engineering.

   * Power engineering

We invite you to submit a:

- full paper of 6 pages, for oral presentation, A4 size, IEEE 2
columns format, using MS Word/LaTeX

- proposal to organize a technical session

(see the Call for Events Proposals in the conference Web page for more

Submitted papers have to be original, containing new results.

The proceedings of the Conference will be published by IEEE Computer
Society and will be available during the conference. It is assumed
that all accepted manuscripts will be presented at the conference. All
accepted papers must be accompanied by a full paid registration in
order to appear in the proceedings.

All full papers are to be submitted in PDF electronically via the web site.

Hard copies should be sent only if electronic submission is not possible.

* Journal Publication Opportunities

a) International Journal on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (IJHIS)

Papers addressing strong HIS theoretical developments

(based on the referee recommendations) after substantial revision may be

considered for publication in the IJHIS  (http://ijhis.hybridsystem.com).

b) Applied Soft Computing

Extended versions of 10 application papers of the conference will also
be invited for a "fast track" submission for the Elsevier Science
Applied Soft
Computing Journal (http://www.elsevier.com/locate/inca/621920).

c) International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM), World
Scientific, Singapore
Extended versions of 6 to 8 selected papers of the conference will
also be invited for submission to the IJKM

d) Neural Computing and Applications, Springer-Verlag London
Extended version of selected papers on Hybrid aspects of
neurocomputing will also be invited for submission to the Neural
Computing and Applications journal.


Important Dates

* Deadline for sessions/tutorial proposals: June 12th, 2005

* Deadline for Paper Submission (full paper): July 1st, 2005

* Notification of Acceptance: August 1st, 2005

* Deadline for Authors' Registration: August 19th, 2005

* Deadline for Camera-Ready Papers: August 19th, 2005


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Received on Friday, 17 June 2005 16:31:28 UTC